History and Theory of Digital Art

As required for completion of the History and Theory of Digital Art I created a digital edition of one of the letters written by Stevie Grehan in 1915. Item number 969 from the Grehan Estate Collection

The letter described the work that Stevie was doing that day, the observation point that he was stationed in, soldiers’ attitudes towards the German army mans other events that occurred that day!

I used an online tool called PowToon to create the letter on slides. I was able to add a bit of background ambiance through this tool as well. Therefore I gathered some wartime sound effects from Freesound.org and put them in the background, in an effort to recreate the environment in which Stevie might have been writing the letter to his father. The sound clip was licensed under the Creative Commons, providing the uploader was given attribution.

To make the video available to the public I had to upload it to YouTube.

All copyright in respect of the letter belongs to Boole Library, University College Cork. While in respect of the sound effects copyright remains with Herbert Boland of FreeSound.org

View video here: